Diet for psoriasis - menu with recipes. Diet and foods to treat psoriasis

Psoriasis is a dermatological non-communicable disease that quickly becomes chronic. During the period of exacerbation of psoriasis, flaky, protruding rashes appear above the surface of the skin, causing many discomforts. Typical areas of psoriasis are the knee, elbow, and scalp. The disease spreads throughout the body. A psoriasis diet can alleviate the course of the disease. According to statistics, 70% of patients are young under the age of 20, but absolutely all ages are prone to psoriasis.

Eating rules for psoriasis

The psoriasis diet is a medicinal food that is recommended to be followed in the patient to avoid relapses. Patients with psoriasis should monitor their emotional state, control the functioning of the stomach and entire gastrointestinal tract, eat small doses (at least five times a day), eliminate allergens, and increase fluid intake. Daily stool is an unshakable rule for patients with psoriasis. Stagnation of food in the body contributes to the worsening of psoriasis.

itching due to non-compliance with the psoriasis diet

To maintain proper water balance in psoriasis:

  • Drink 1, 7-2 liters of purified water daily by adding a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Reduce your consumption of black and green tea. Increase the amount of herbal infusions, especially chamomile, flaxseed decoction.
  • Add fresh juices (carrots, spinach, celery, apples, parsley, beets) to your diet.

Basic rules for cooking psoriasis:

  • Remove fried and greasy foods from the menu. A special place is occupied by cooked food, steamed or fried in a food pod.
  • Reduce the amount of salt.
  • Increase your intake of fermented dairy products, preferably at home.
  • Limit the amount of condiments. For health benefits, replace it with lemon juice or a specially prepared sauce (yogurt + herbs + garlic + mustard).

What can and cannot be eaten in patients with psoriasis?

A psoriasis diet means full control of and adherence to the rules of healthy eating. Few are able to limit themselves, give up their favorite foods, but in times of psoriasis getting worse - it’s a hard need. The disease does not heal completely. The course cannot be changed just by taking medications and adhering to dietary treatment. Knowing which foods can be consumed, which should be completely ruled out when psoriasis gets worse, can alleviate patient well-being and reduce the main symptoms.

List of permitted and prohibited products

In case of psoriasis, you must follow these dietary rules:

  • Eat more greens (lettuce, parsley, dill, green onions), fresh fruits, vegetables. They contain a whole host of vitamins.
  • Eat more often cooked or steamed foods from fatty fish (salmon, salmon).
  • Eat heavily porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat or anything else.
  • Add vegetable oil containing PUFA to the food.
  • Saturate your diet with blueberries or cranberries. These little balls have long been considered among the berries as a leader in relieving the symptoms of psoriasis.
cranberry berries for psoriasis

Patients with such a disease should be categorically excluded from the diet or reduced:

  • Coffee, strong teas.
  • Amount of fatty meat.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Consumption of spicy or salty condiments, vinegar.
  • Amount of honey, sugar, baked goods consumed.
  • The proportion of strong broths and sauces in the diet.
  • Consumption of smoked products.

Sample menu for a week

Once you’ve put together your diet menu for a week (5 days), it’s easier to see which foods to buy and avoid emergency snacks with foods banned in psoriasis. Diet is essential in the treatment of psoriasis. Failure to do so will exacerbate the course of the disease. Remember to drink 1 glass (or more) of purified cool water between meals. Dinner must be no later than three hours before bedtime.


  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge + a small piece of butter + dried fruits. Weak tea with a slice of hard cheese.
  • 2. breakfast (after 2 hours) - apples, bananas or other fresh fruit that does not cause allergies.
  • Breakfast 3 (after 2 hours) - cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream + fruit.
  • Lunch - salad (fresh vegetables + a spoonful of olive oil), vegetable soup, garnish with low - fat cooked pieces of meat, bread.
  • Afternoon snack - fruit.
  • Dinner - porridge with steamed vegetables + bread. After 1, 5 hours low-fat kefir + cookies.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with raisins and a piece of butter, bread, 1 glass of rosehip drink.
  • Breakfast 2 - low fat kefir.
  • Breakfast 3 - fresh fruit.
  • Lunch salad (fresh vegetables, dressing with olive oil and lemon juice). Second chicken soup. Puree a slice of steamed fish. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese with fresh fruits, flavored with yoghurt.
  • Dinner - buckwheat porridge without butter meat + steamed vegetables.


  • Breakfast - omelette with two eggs. Sandwich with cocoa, butter and hard cheese.
  • Breakfast 2 - fresh fruit.
  • Breakfast 3 - a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - salad with fresh vegetables + salad dressing (greens, mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic). Borsch with beef soup. Rice porridge with steamed slice. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack - some baked apples.
  • Dinner - stew with vegetables. A piece of rye bread.


  • Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese flavored with sour cream + raisins. A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Breakfast 2 - fresh fruit. Compote with dried fruits.
  • Breakfast 3 - 1 boiled egg.
  • Dinner ears. Stewed chicken slices + vinaigrette. Bread. Herbal chamomile tea
  • Afternoon snack - dried fruit compote. Marshmallow without chocolate.
  • Dinner - a piece of steamed salmon + oatmeal with a piece of butter. Bread. Weak green tea.


  • Breakfast - pumpkin milk porridge with dried apricots and raisins. Bread. Compote with dried fruits.
  • Breakfast 2 - freshly squeezed juice + scrambled eggs from 2 eggs.
  • Lunch - crushed zucchini soup. Pilaf, not fried. Bread. Rosehip decoction.
  • Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt (fermented fried milk or kefir) + two baked apples.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole. Compote or chamomile tea.

Diet recipes

Curd curd

Make 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese + 4 eggs + 1 cup semolina + half a cup of steamed raisins + 5 tablespoons. l. sugar + a pinch of salt and vanilla. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve, add the eggs beaten with sugar, mix. Pour semolina, salt, vanilla into the cottage cheese mass. Stir with a spoon or stirrer and let stand for half an hour. The resulting mass is placed in a spread. Bake with or without the lid (about half an hour at medium temperature). Allow the container to cool before use. Healthy dessert ready for the duration of your diet.

Pumpkin porridge with raisins milk is a healthy sweet food for a patient with psoriasis

millet porridge with pumpkin for psoriasis

You will need: half a kilogram of pumpkin, 2/3 cup of rice, half a liter of milk, half a glass of raisins, salt, sugar, vanillin to taste. Peel a squash, grate it and peel it. Cut into small cubes or strips. Pour halfway with water. When soft, knead well, pour milk. Add prepared rice (soak 2 hours in advance, rinse), salt, sugar. After 15 minutes, pour out the washed raisins and vanilla before turning it off. Put a piece of butter in the finished porridge. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes - the food will be more aromatic and softer.

Zucchini soup with hard cheese

To make a tender spring soup, you will need:

  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 2 zucchini (up to 20 cm long);
  • 5 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 tk finely grated ginger root;
  • hard cheese (1 tbsp. l for each serving);
  • 1 tablespoon. l. olive oil;
  • fresh or dry herbs (parsley, dill, celery);
  • salt to taste;
  • spices (bay leaf, cardamom).

Pour chopped potatoes and zucchini into boiling water. Transfer the coriander, mashed in a mortar, grating ginger for 30 seconds. Place with prepared vegetables, boil for 1 minute, turn off the heat. Drain the excess liquid into a separate container. Grind the cooked vegetables in a blender, gradually adding the vegetable soup until the desired consistency is reached. Add salt and herbs. Bring to a boil, turn it off. Soup puree in dosed plates, sprinkled with grated hard cheese to taste. The first meal of the patient's diet was prepared.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

An oatmeal is a quick catch for a psoriasis patient. You need to buy half a glass of oatmeal. Pour into boiling water (1 glass), add raisins, dried apricots or other dried fruits (any fresh or frozen fruit), salt, sugar to taste. Turn off the fire. Add a piece of butter. Let cook for 15 minutes. Dietary breakfast or dinner is ready.

Principles of nutritional therapy according to different methods

The general diet used to treat people with psoriasis is the Pegano method. Two nutritionists agree that in order to avoid relapses and worsening of the condition, patients with psoriasis should maintain a body acid-base balance of 20-70% or 30-80% and adhere to the basics of proper nutrition. Let’s take a closer look at both diets.

According to the Pegano method

Dr. John Pegano has developed a dietary treatment for patients with psoriasis that helps group acid and base balance by grouping vegetables and fruits. He believes that raw apples, bananas and melons can be consumed mostly in small portions, separate from other food items. In small portions should eat currants, plums, avocados, beans, blueberries, dried beans, mushrooms, prunes, lentils, rhubarb, almonds, hazelnuts. It is advisable to take 1 tablespoon five days a week. l. lecithin (granular). There should be a slight feeling of hunger after a meal.

allowed foods for psoriasis

80% of the foods consumed in the psoriasis diet include:

  • purified water (up to 8 cups per day) as a supplement to other liquids;
  • fruits, vegetables, but not canned. Baked apples, dates, apricots, figs, raisins, kiwis, mangoes, pears are especially useful for patients with psoriasis. Vegetables - asparagus, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery, onions, olives, pumpkins, zucchini. This is the basis of dietary nutrition for psoriasis.

The diet of patients with psoriasis should be about one-third:

  • cereals in the form of cereals - buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley, rye;
  • wholemeal bread, bran, crispbread, sprouts;
  • fish dishes (at least four times a week): tuna, cod, flounder, perch, sturgeon, trout;
  • poultry - up to three times a week (without skin);
  • meat (lean lamb only) - up to twice a week;
  • skimmed milk, fermented dairy products, butter, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • eggs (hard or soft cooked only) - up to four times a week;
  • decoctions of chamomile, watermelon seeds, oxtail.

Dietary treatment of patients with psoriasis according to the Pegano method excludes the combination with each other:

  • whole grains with citrus fruit (not only fresh but also dried, steamed) and fruit juices;
  • dairy products with citrus fruits, fruit juices;
  • fruit of all kinds with products made from white flour;
  • a large number of acid-forming foods in one serving.

According to the dietetic method

In the dietary treatment of psoriasis, another nutritionist combines food with herbal decoctions. According to his method, the diet completely excludes all citrus fruits (except grapefruit), strawberries, beans, raspberries, avocados, strawberries, pomegranates, lentils, peas. Authorized grapes (small quantities), cabbage (any portion). It is recommended to eat green beans, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, garlic, onions, spinach, cucumbers, pumpkins with short breaks. Bananas, melons and raw apples are consumed from a variety of foods. They drink mineral water every day.